WSWA is a 100% volunteer-run, 365 days-a-year membership organizing drive
The more volunteers we have, the stronger voice we create to put forth our demands for systemic change. Living-wage jobs, adequate healthful food, safe and secure housing and utilities are necessities to end poverty for all working people. Please call WSWA at (530) 244-0968 to schedule a time you can come in and attend an organizing activity that starts with an orientation for new volunteers. Bring a friend!

WSWA’s Method Of “On-The-Job” Training
See One, Do One, Teach One
WSWA teaches basic organizing skills to all who dare to care and invest the time to learn. Ask about our organizer training programs, including classes in organizing method and lessons from the history of labor and political organizing in the U.S.

Organizing As A Profession
Full-Time Organizers Needed!
WSWA provides organizer training through all its activities, thus giving volunteers the opportunity to become professional volunteer organizers. We use “on-the-job training,” so you can learn while taking action and making a difference. Volunteers are needed 365 days a year, daytimes and evenings, whether for a day, an hour, a week, a summer, a year, or for the rest of your life! We own a strategy, a method and have a track record of success. The only missing ingredient is you! Call WSWA today at (530) 244-0968!

Our carbon footprint, nearly nil.
Our organizing drive’s human impact, huge!
WSWA endorses the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Here is a sampling of routine weekly activities.
Please ask for more details when you call WSWA at (530) 244-0968.